Via Natural Daily Maintanence Stenghtening Hairdress JAR 6oz

Product Description
Via Natural Daily Hairdress. Via DAILY MAINTENANCE STRENGTHENING HAIRDRESS (6 Oz)A light hairdress formulated to provide maximum protection for newly growing hair by adding needed moisture , strength and nutrients on a regular basis. Daily use of this hairdress prevents problems of hair stress before they begin.
Via Natural Daily Maintenance Strengthening Hairdress with our VIACEUTICAL HAIR COMPLEX BASE is a light daily hairdress designed to help maintain and protects healthy, newly growing hair from everyday challenges such as (UV Rays) and pollutants from the environment. This hairdress continues what our Growth Accelerator Creme started, providing the strength needed for the hair to continue to grow. Via Natural Daily Maintenance Strengthening Hairdress moisturizes, strengthens and protects promoting a healthy environment for the hair and scalp to breathe and flourish.
NOTE: Use as needed at least once per day to assure continued protection against split ends and dryness.