Sofn'free n'Pretty Relaxer Kit Double Kit

Product Description
This is the world's first relaxer system made especially for childrenÀs delicate hair and scalp. It contains Extra Sensitive Protection (ESP), a conditioning system that starts working before you apply the relaxer.
Expert Advice
Sofn'free n'pretty
Is Sofn' free n'pretty a No-Lye Relaxer?
Yes. It's the world's first sensitive scalp no-lye relaxer for children.
Can I use adult relaxer on my child's hair if I don't leave it on long?
No. Children have a special hair type called cuticular hair, which is different than adult hair, in much the same way that children have teeth and skin different than adults' teeth and skin. Respecting this fact, Sofn'free n'pretty created a relaxer especially for children.
At what age should a child receive the first relaxer?
Six years is the minimum age for initial relaxer treatment.
Extra Sensitive Relaxer Kit - Regular
Price: $8.99
Treats: unmanageable hair
You already know how much happier your big girl will be with softer, more manageable hair. You just donêt know which relaxer to trust with her delicate hair and scalp. Well, in this box is the worldês first and only relaxer with Extra Sensitive Protection (ESP), a phenomenal conditioning system that uses a healthy dose of pure herbs proven to protect young hair before, during and after relaxing. Sheêll get tons of new manageability and shine without one ounce of damage. Guaranteed. So, relax. And be happy.
This product is 2.5 lbs.