Meet The Hair Experts
We are glad you found us! We are here to help you answer your questions you may have regarding anything you found on our website! Please contact us below. We are staffed at GMBShair around the clock. Your inquiry will be answered in an expedited manner. Have a wonderful day!

My name is Shira. I love hair, beauty, and style! I'm very daring, so I always go for new & unusual looks. You will find me wearing the boldest colors when it comes to hair & clothes. Hair is a must for beauty!
Please contact me by emailing
Shira I'll get back to you ASAP!

My name is Janice. I'm from Antigua. I wear my hair natural, usually will spice it up with some type of hair acessory I get from GMBShair! I went natural couple years ago and continue to use natural hair care products to keep it flowing.
Please contact me by emailing
Janice I'll get back to you ASAP!

My name is Jamila. I love sipping green tea and answering fellow women's questions regarding hair. I'm so thankful that we have the freedom to look the way we want. Thank you fellow men & women who serve our country.
Please contact me by emailing
Jamila I'll get back to you ASAP!

My name is Mika. I love hair also, how can we not? We can create so many different looks by using extensions, especially from GMBShair. I also love half wigs & falls that you can fix up in less than 5 minutes. That's what you call an awesome invention.
Please contact me by emailing
Mika I'll get back to you ASAP!

My name is Chloe. I've always had in between hair. I'm half Japanese, and half African American. I love talking about beauty trends, and have plenty of recommendations for you guys! Be proud of your heritage.
Please contact me by emailing
Chloe I'll get back to you ASAP!

My name is Chayla. I have love for fashion, hair, travel, girl talk & LIFE in general. So blessed to be doing what I love and staying sassy! No one is busy enough not to take care of your own self. Stay strong in your inner self.
Please contact me by emailing
Chayla I'll get back to you ASAP!