Nouritress Perfect Hair Vitamins PLUS 30 Tablets

Product Description

If you are having problems with your hair such as hair thinning, hair loss, hair breakage, hair shedding and slow hair growth, you should take NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins PLUS!! Our PLUS Vitamins has a more advanced formula and includes the Herb Saw Palmetto, a DHT Blocker which is used to prevent and treat hair loss.
#1 Safe and Effective Herbal Supplement for Hair Thinning & Hair Loss
Benefits: Prevents Hair Thinning & Hair Loss, Thickens Hair Naturally, Eliminates dandruff, Prevents Dryness & Brittleness, Promotes Follicular Growth, Stimulates health
and Growth of Hair, Nails, Skin & Eyes.
HAIR FACTS: Folic acid, biotin, vitamin B5, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), and silica are supplements that may help maintain the color and thickness of hair.
Saw Palmetto can also be used to block DHT and prevent hair loss. Saw palmetto is believed to have a similar mechanism of action to the anti-androgenic drug finasteride (Propecia), which has been used in low doses for hair loss.
NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins include all of the vitamins included in the Hair Facts. Our PLUS Vitamins include the Hair Loss DHT Blocker Saw Palmetto!!!