Groganics. Groganic's. Groganics Hair Growth Treatment. GroganicsÍ science can be explained....
Groganics DHT Blocker System
Promotes Hair Growth
Prevents Thinning Hair
Freezes & Blocks DHT
Stimulates & Strengthens Follicles
Increases blood flow to the scalp
What is DHT? DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is the most potent naturally occurring androgen and is produced from Free Testoterone through the action of 5-alpha-reductace. 5-alpha-reductace concentrations are the highest in the perpheral tissues (hair follicles) Males and females suffer from the effects of DHT on the genetically predisposed hair follicles. Binding of DHT to the hair follicle result in gradual thinning and eventual hair loss. The older we get, the more DHT build-up we have in the scalp and follicle.