Freetress Equal FresH Hairline Lace Front Wig Teresa

Product Description
Shake-N-Go FreeTress Equal Premium Synthetic Lace Front Wig - FRESH HAIRLINE TERESA
Silky & Soft to touch, Tangle Free Volumized Texture
Hassle-Free secure fitting with No Glue, No Tape
1. Braid the hair in cornrow and thoroughly wash hands. (Remove all access oil by using rubbing alcohol or witch hands.)
2. Cut off excess lace in the front of the wig, be very careful not to cut the hair.
3. Place the wig along the hairline using hair pins.
4. Apply double-sided tape especially designed for lace front to the underside of the lace.
5. Secure the wig. (Along the preimeter of the hairline.)
6. Apply the adhesive.
7. Place the wig. (From the center of the forehead)
No Glue! No Tape! required
Easy self Application
You can create a style in just 1 minute!
Sculpting tabs form a perfect fit.
Premium quality lace.
Natural invisible hairline.
Longer lace from ear to ear.
A one-size fits all adjustable cap.
Securing with front & back placement combs.
No fuss or mess, just perfect hair.